Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010

Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010 - Although performance is not as good as in Argentina in Barcelona, Lionel Messi remains a threat for opponents in World Cup Albiceleste. Daniel Alves about providing it leaks how to guard his partner.

With major contributions provided for Barcelona, Diego Maradona expect much on the world's best players in the upcoming 2010 World Cup. Unfortunately, on several occasions to defend Argentina, Messi semengerikan not like when the Blaugrana in uniform.

Still, Nigeria, South Korea and Greece which are a group with Argentina made wary by the European Golden Boot winner of the 2009/2010 season. In fact, according Alves nothing to worry about when faced footballer 22 years.

"I think the secret to guard Messi is no need to worry about the affairs of guard-guard because he can not play alone, she has friends and play as a team," Alves said in MundoDeportivo.

Still, it's Brazilian defender chooses to avoid Argentina in the upcoming World Cup. Messi together 'Tim Tango' calls are always a problem for the Samba Team.

Related to their status which could not be the main choice Dunga, the former Sevilla player was also admitted to not disappointed. Instead he is ready to become the 12th player and willing to be installed anywhere the team needs.

"I'm comfortable with the coach's decision related to an independent position. The important thing is being here, being part of a team. No matter where Dunga's position would put me," lid Alves.

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Lowongan Depkeu

Lowongan Depkeu - National Education Ministry held a contest Competency Vocational High School Students (LKS-SMK) National Level XVIII on May 13 to 16 at the Arena PRJ Jakarta as part of the promotion and imaging vocational competency.

"LKS SMK was a site of the annual selection of participants to participate in world competition level of competence. Ajang race was held in the real scale, not a laboratory scale," said CMS Director of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Management Kemendiknas, Joko Sutrisno, on the sidelines preparation and exhibition opening at Arena BLM TO XVIII Jakarta Fair (PRJ), Thursday.

That is, if there is competition in the automotive or diesel repair technology, the diesel engine are displayed in the arena of competition, he said.

Joko Sutrisno adds, LKS SMK also became the national selection for the winners who will be sent following the race at the international level of competence.

BLM also will exhibit its products coupled with vocational work together with industry. In this event, the industry can make recruitment of vocational students who come the race.

"Since the last few years to send the champions contest the competence of the students of Vocational High School (LKS-SMK) in various fields to international competitions to be more known in the world of work abroad," he said.

Each year the student champions LKS SMK trained for several months by a special team to be prepared following the Asian and world level competition. The result was not disappointing because of Indonesian students have several times got the champion, he said.

Therefore, said Joko, LKS SMK materials in recent years aimed at preparing them compete in the international arena. At least, from 50 eyes of race in this worksheet, 30 eyes of international competition.

According to Ricardo, it's time vocational school graduates are not only intended to fill existing jobs in the domestic industry, but also create employment as an entrepreneur. Even they must "sell" in the international world.

'Vocational School Graduates should be able to compete and seize opportunities existing jobs overseas. For that, we push the vocational competency of international standard. It was demonstrated that many vocational school graduates to follow the event on the competence of international forums, many companies recruit overseas, "he said .

Competition followed 1700 participants, 1500 escort, 20 jurors, and 10 members of the committee, bringing the total number reached 3500 people from all 33 provinces in Indonesia, and will hold 50 field competitions.

According to Joko, the questions that tested the degree of difficulty equivalent to the problems at world level, because the winners in this worksheet next year will represent Indonesia at the world level of competence in London England.

He added that the field of competition consists of four groups, namely, technology, business and tourism, agriculture, and craft. The material based on industry standards, competencies contained in Indonesia's National Work Competence Standards (SKKNI), and standards of the World Skills Competition (WSC).

"Activities in 2010 focused on the Arena BLM PRJ Jakarta, although for certain areas of the race, was held in several locations, such as cooking areas held at SMK Negeri 27 Jakarta, Nautica in SMK Negeri 36 Jakarta, confectioner / pastry cook at SMK Negeri 57 Jakarta hotel accommodation at Red Top Hotel Jakarta, and the relationship can only area printing at PT Jakarta, "he said

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Cerita Lucu

Gambar Lucu - 'Film Ayat-Ayat Cinta' gets good response and managed to gather the most viewers. Film producers 'kidnap Miyabi', Ody Mulya Hidayat said he was optimistic the film 'kidnap Miyabi' can succeed as a movie directed by Hanung Bramantyo it.

"The target we wanted this film's audience can exceed the 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta'. Three million viewers is the least," said Ody Mulya Hidayat when found in the FX Plaza, Jakarta, Thursday (6 / 5).

Ody admitted that the film put a Japanese porn star has an interesting story. In the movie certainly does not make a scene exciting Miyabi. In the film directed by HW Findo This story is funny and just picked up the other side of the Miyabi.

"This movie is really the entertainment and not something frightening. Please do not judge by the negative first," said Ody again. As information, in this movie She has only appeared briefly. This deals with the chance to protests about the presence of the artist named Maria Ozawa. Miyabi so disconnected scenes in this movie minus.

"Because of yesterday's protest is why ultimately there is a change," he said. Various protests that could arise because of this movie makes the production house decided to take a place in my hometown in Japan Miyabi.

All this is done for the smooth film. To invite Miyabi in this film, the producer also takes 10 months to conduct approach and seduce the artist.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Barack Obama

Vera Baker Barack Obama Affair - According to Xinhua News Agency, yesterday at the Louisana when reviewing the leakage of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. President Barack Obama says, leaks of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico this time is likely to cause environmental disaster extraordinary, the government will seek to sedapatnya prevent a massive disaster.

It was said by Obama Affair , crude oil continues to leak is likely to seriously damage the domestic economy, domestic parts along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and affects the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people. Due to leakage of oil affect the environment, the U.S. government to prohibit fishing in the polluted waters in at least 10 days in the future.

U.S. President Barrack Obama said the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused by drilling a disaster for the environment. "British Petroleum is responsible and must pay for everything," Obama said in a speech at Loisiana, Sunday yesterday.

Obama's arrival there at the same time to see first hand how the conditions in place. His administration, said Obama will do everything to be able to clean the oil and concentrate how to prevent the spread of oil spills.

The oil spill caused a huge explosion which occurred on 20 April in drilling Deepwater Horizon and resulted in the deaths of eleven miners. Every day, the drill was pumping more than 5000 barrels of oil.

Nevertheless, Obama adds, the leakage of drilling it is something that can not be predicted. The incident, according to him, is the largest environmental disaster ever.

BP chairman Lamar McKay hopes to build the arch that can localize the oil pollution in six to eight days in the future. He also concurred with Obama, who said the priority now is to reduce oil spills and to stop the gusher.