Cuando Me Anamoro - In a small village called Cage Jago, Srintil (Masayu Anastasia), chestnut happy living in a metropolitan city. But the reality banging his imagination on reality: women's village at best be a maid or factory worker. Only Kunil (Sarah Rizkya) and Centini (Aulia Sarah) who diligently so listeners. Up to three unify the vision and mission before it migrated to Jakarta.
New film output Multivision Plus It's called "Hard to Maintain Virginity in Jakarta". The film is already two years on the shelf mole-house production are driven Raam Punjabi. By technical reasons, new this year the intention was established, as a treat-ending.
"This film is actually not sevulgar title. Indeed many messages to be conveyed from the figure that Srintil. Namely, do not come to Jakarta if you do not have the skills, "explained Masayu a news correspondent in Jakarta, Wednesday (24/11) afternoon.
'Urbanization' three innocent girl is not without beginning. For refusing an arranged marriage, they fled to the city with a vegetable carrier hitchhike. The next day, the whole village in an uproar. Diman, a prospective husband Srintil who have neurological disorders, shock and sensation.
Fate brings three friends had with Beth (Indra Birowo), imitation woman who is a pimp. Berta offered them into prostitution. Although initially rejected, abdominal problems can not be postponed, because their finances were pathetic. Finally, all three took the job on one condition, that is still virgin.
The film made by director Joko Nugroho will be aired on December 2, 2010 in theaters country. With music that blended stylist Tia Subiakto, the film is targeted at teenagers mensasar responsibility.
Title: Hard to Keep Virginity in Jakarta
Genre: Comedy
Director: Joko Nugroho
Cast: Anastasia Masayu, Aulia Saragh, Rifki Balwel, Indra Birowo, Tessy Srimulat.
New film output Multivision Plus It's called "Hard to Maintain Virginity in Jakarta". The film is already two years on the shelf mole-house production are driven Raam Punjabi. By technical reasons, new this year the intention was established, as a treat-ending.
"This film is actually not sevulgar title. Indeed many messages to be conveyed from the figure that Srintil. Namely, do not come to Jakarta if you do not have the skills, "explained Masayu a news correspondent in Jakarta, Wednesday (24/11) afternoon.
'Urbanization' three innocent girl is not without beginning. For refusing an arranged marriage, they fled to the city with a vegetable carrier hitchhike. The next day, the whole village in an uproar. Diman, a prospective husband Srintil who have neurological disorders, shock and sensation.
Fate brings three friends had with Beth (Indra Birowo), imitation woman who is a pimp. Berta offered them into prostitution. Although initially rejected, abdominal problems can not be postponed, because their finances were pathetic. Finally, all three took the job on one condition, that is still virgin.
The film made by director Joko Nugroho will be aired on December 2, 2010 in theaters country. With music that blended stylist Tia Subiakto, the film is targeted at teenagers mensasar responsibility.
Title: Hard to Keep Virginity in Jakarta
Genre: Comedy
Director: Joko Nugroho
Cast: Anastasia Masayu, Aulia Saragh, Rifki Balwel, Indra Birowo, Tessy Srimulat.
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