Senin, 28 Desember 2009

The First Gurita Cikeas

Gurita Cikeas sedang ramai juga nampaknya sekarang - sekarang ini, sebagai sebuah buku yang menyudutkan kelompok cikeas.Anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat Ramadhan Pohan menampik tudingan kebijakan penarikan buku membongkar Gurita Cikeas dari Dewan Pembina Partai Demokrat. Buku ini menghilang dari peredaran setelah didiskusikan di Yogyakarta baru-baru ini.

“Tidak ada perintah penarikan buku itu. Pak SBY pun sangat tidak happy dengan persoalan itu,” ujar Ramadhan disela-sela diskusi Strategi Lindungi Kebebasan Berekspresi di Era Multimedia di Kantor Dewan Pers, Senin (28/12).

Seperti halnya Ramadhan, juru bicara Presiden Julian Aldrin Pasha juga sudah membantah tudingan George Junus Aditjondro itu. Julian juga mengatakan tidak ada larangan atau perintah menarik buku tersebut dari peredaran.

Seperti diberitakan buku yang ditulis George Junus Aditjondro ini menjadi kontroversi. Buku tersebut dikabarkan membeberkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan yayasan yang dikelola keluarga Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. George juga menuliskan yayasan-yayasan tersebut sebagai upaya untuk mengumpulkan dana kampanye menjelang pemilihan Presiden lalu.

Ramadhan pun mengaku mengetahui benar penulis buku tersebut dan sempat menjadi teman sejawat saat di Amerika Serikat. Mantan Pemimpin Redaksi Harian Jurnal Nasional itupun membantah dirinya pribadi dan Harian Jurnal Nasional kecipratan dana Century seperti yang dituduhkan oleh George Junus. Ramadhan juga mengatakan tidak pernah ada upaya verifikasi soal tuduhan tersebut kepada dirinya atau yang lainnya.

Ramadhan pun mengatakan secara pribadi tidak setuju dengan penarikan atau pelarangan buku tersebut. Dia mengatakan lebih sepakat dan berpikir untuk melawannya dengan menerbitkan buku tandingan. Dia pun mengaku mendapat banyak kritikan dan pertanyaan dari koleganya di luar negeri. Namun dia menampik rumor tersebut.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

The Original Resep

Carrie Marie Underwood

December 22, 2009
Tai Bau
Aneka Resep Tradisional dan Ramuan Rahasia Obat ….. Posting Lama Halaman Muka. Langgan: Poskan Komentar (Atom) · Aneka Resep Tradisional dan Ramuan Rahasia Obat © Design by Quality Wordpress.Converted to Blogger by

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Carrie Marie Underwood
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Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Video Kubah Kiamat

Browse > Home / Resep Indonesia / Video Kubah Kiamat Doomsday Vault Kutub Utara
Video Kubah Kiamat Doomsday Vault Kutub Utara

December 13, 2009

Aneka Resep Tradisional dan Ramuan Rahasia Obat …. Posting Lama Halaman Muka. Langgan: Poskan Komentar (Atom) · Aneka Resep Tradisional dan Ramuan Rahasia Obat © Design by Quality Wordpress.Converted to Blogger by

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Video Kubah Kiamat Doomsday Vault Kutub Utara
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Tiger Woods Christmas Picture

Tiger Woods Christmas Picture

December 5, 2009

Aneka Resep Tradisional dan Ramuan Rahasia Obat … Posting Lama Halaman Muka. Langgan: Poskan Komentar (Atom) · Aneka Resep Tradisional dan Ramuan Rahasia Obat © Design by Quality Wordpress.Converted to Blogger by

Read the rest here:
Tiger Woods Christmas Picture
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Senin, 14 Desember 2009

The Benefits Of A Low Sodium Lifestyle

Ramalan Cinta Zodiak Bintang is the best choise in the horoskop and we can get guide for our health.A low sodium, low salt diet shouldn't be a burden at all! Personally, I have kept to an "under 1000mg" a day diet with out giving up much but fast food (and who misses that anyway?) When I was first told that my blood pressure was high ( 160/95) and labeled as having hypertension, I decided at that moment to do some serious research into what had created this "new-to-me" health concern. I wanted to find a permanent solution to lower the numbers to an acceptable, healthy range without taking medication.

Ramalan Cinta As I reflected on where I was in life at the moment, mid-life, not overweight, but not exercising regularly either, I began making small changes in my day-to-day lifestyle. I was not going to give in to hypertension.

First, I bought a nutritional handbook that lists most foods and their nutritional content. I decided to try and stay under 500mg of sodium daily. This took some work, but it paid off very well. I had lowered my count to 150/89 in two weeks. But my doctor still was concerned and wanted to see me begin medication, so I went back to the drawing table. And I put off the decision to going on medication for another 30 days.

I found that magnesium is an excellent combatant for excess sodium. I added figs, sunflower seeds and other magnesium rich foods to my daily intake. Yes, this was working, I was now at 140/85. And dropping. Dropping.

Now, when I added a daily aerobic routine of 30 minutes each day I was really making progress. Three months out and I was reading 135/79. Huge advances!

Did I mention that all this time I rarely ate out? When I did find myself in a restaurant, ordering was tricky, but not impossible. Nervous that salt would be added to anything prepared, I would order a salad, no cheese and oil and vinegar on the side. Boring, boring, boring.

I was feeling so good and healthy I began to slip a little, just a little. I ate out a little more often, still I didn't cook with salt at all, but I abandoned my daily "health breakfast" for pancakes and granola. (I was eating slow-cook oatmeal with figs and seeds topped with soymilk every morning, and loving this tasty creation) I actually forgot about my grand plan. Then, I had my bp read. I was climbing. And I knew that I needed to get back on track, and fast.

Having a culinary background, I cook most everything my family eats. This includes all breads, sauces, everything. And you know what I discovered? Food tastes BETTER with little or NO salt. You can actually TASTE the good food. I have posted many of our favorite recipes at Low Salt Recipes at And daily updates are added with new and exciting recipes for successful low sodium cooking.

So, now, 10 months out and feeling great. I'm a steady 135/75 and holding! I adhere strictly to under 1000mg of sodium daily, and walk everyday for at least 45 minutes.

I eat well, get outside often and I am enjoying life. It was just a matter of thinking in a new direction, and taking action.

Certainly, you need to consult your doctor with any medical concerns you may have. This article is not meant to be taken as medical advice. Lowering your salt intake is a first step in treating hypertension, and I hope to provide you with delicious recipes to help you obtain your goals, too.

To your health!


Please consider this article for publication in your newsletter or on your website. Permission is granted to reprint for free with resource box and byline intact. Please send me a copy of your publication if you choose to include my article. Thank you.

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

The First Ramalan Nama Bintang

Ramalan Nama bintang Zodiak Cinta Horoskop yang sedang saya dorong dan sedang saya kuatkan di mesin pencari ini.Nampaknya akan kesulitan untuk bangkit serta dapat menjadi sebuah halaman yang menduduki posisi di halaman awal. Kekuatan blog yang masih sangat lemah dan baru ini, merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyababkan ramalan nama dan ramalan bintang sulit sekali naik posisinya.

Ramalan Nama Anda Menurut Inisial Nama. Sekarang saya akan memberikan sebuah ramalan anda berdasarkan inisial nama anda,karena sebuah nama sebenarnya mencerminkan apa yang ada dalam diri anda tanpa anda sadari itu,
Ada pepatah yang menyebutkan APALAH ARTI SEBUAH NAMA,padahal sebuah nama sangatlah berarti tentang masalah karir jodoh kesehatan keungan dan lain sebagainya.

Menurut Inisial Nama Anda
Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf A
Anda selalu tidak sabar untuk mengkritik,tidak romantis,tetapi cocok sebagai pemimpin

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf B
Selalu ingin dimanjakan,anda termauk orang yang romantis,mudah menyerah dalam hal seksualital

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf C
Berjiwa sosial tinggi,selalu mesra dengan pasangan,selalu malu jika mengungkapkan cinta

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf D
Pantang menyerah dalam urusan cinta,ringan tangan dalam membantu teman,perhatian pada pasangan

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf E
Selalu dingin dalam bercinta,selalu banyak bicara dan terkesan sebagai pengkritik

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf F
Idealis tapi tetap romantis dan murah hati

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf G
Pekerja keras,tau benar meraih titik tertinggi dalam bercinta,dan bertanggung jawab

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf H
Selalu berhati-hati dalam menentukan kepusan,mempunyai kemitmen yang tinggi, dan suka tantangan

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf I
Suka berexpresi,selalu ingin dicintai,selalu dingin dengan pasangan yang kurang agresiv

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf J
Idealis dalam cinta,mempunyai kekuatan dalam bercinta,dan berjiwa romantis

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf K
Pemalu tetapi sensual dan berhasrat tinggi dalam bercinta,berkarakter romantis

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf L
Suka pengalaman baru dan selalu mempergunakan kesempatan dengan maximal,penuh expresi dalam bercinta

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf M
Sangat emosional dan mudah marah tetapi dalam bercinta anda adlah petarung sejati

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf N
Bukan pemalu hingga cendrung menjadi orang yang tak berdosa, tapi dalam urusan cinta anda jagonya

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf O
Pemburu uang sejati,pemalu dalam hal bercinta walaupun mempunyai semangat yang besar

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf P
Senang bekerja sosial dan membantu teman yang sedang kesusahan,selalu menjaga nama baik dalam mengambil keputusan

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf Q
Selalu ingin dicintai,mempunyai tenaga fisik yang tangguh dan pekerja keras

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf R
selalu menyakai kejujuran,keterbukaan adalah kunci hubungan anda dengan kekasih anda,tidak pemalu dalam bercinta

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf S
Suka berbisnis yang penuh tantangan dan selalu berexpresi dalam bercinta,mempunyai fisik yg kerang kuat

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf T
Suka jadi pemimpi dan selalu mengkhayal,romantis dalam bercinta,pekerja keras

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf U
Antusias dalam hal cinta tapi cendrung cepat bosan,kurang romantis tapi banyak uang

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf V
Selalu senang dalam bekerja,takut gelap,tidak suka sendirian,banyak teman karena lues dalam bergaul,tapi dalam hal cinta anda sangat agresif

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf W
Berego tinggi,mempunyai prinsip dalam hidup,suka permainan dalam bercinta

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf X
Selalu suka hal yang extrim dalam bidang olahraga,gaya bercinta ingin memuaskan pasangan,lebih cendrung suka pada lawan jenis yang lebih tua

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf Y
Anda adalah orang yang mandiri dan pekerja keras,berani menghadapi tantangan dan romantis dalam bercinta

Jika Nama Anda Dimulai dengan Huruf Z
Suka mempermainkan pasangan tetapi romantis dengan lawan jenis,tipe pekerja keras karena ingin selalu sukses dibidang apapun

Inilah ramalan nama anda menurut inisial nama anda,semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi anda.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Bullheads And Catfish - Names That Bring Joy And Disgust

Film Lele Raksasa Pemakan Manusia Video.When it comes to fishing, there are two names that make the sport great to me, 'bullheads' and 'catfish', no other freshwater fish get such a bad rap as these two old friends do. If I am at work or in a store or some other place, all I have to do is mention 'I caught some bullheads or a catfish, and it's like I am talking about some horrible skin disease. People frown or shake their heads in disgust, and start talking about how nasty they are and how they are bottom feeders. Let me tell you what I think about bullheads and catfish.

Lele Raksasa Pemakan Manusia. I think they get a back rap because they are ugly to most folks, I mean they are dark, they have whiskers by their mouths, and they have sharp spines at the dorsal and pectoral fins. Mishandle a bullhead while removing a fishhook or when placing one in the live well, and you can get horned or pricked with one of the sharp spines. The spines contain a poison that often hurts worse than a bee sting, and the pain and soreness can last a week. Bullheads and Catfish can actually use the sharp spines to attack other fish, I have seen this myself here in my home. I have a freshwater fish aquarium, in it I once had a bluegill, goldfish and a small bullhead. I noticed one day that the goldfish had a sore or bloody area near it's tail. I soon learned how the injury had happened. I saw the bullhead literally ram the side of the goldfish and stick it with one of it's spines. The goldfish went nuts, swimming around fast, later it appeared to be ok, except for another bloodied spot or wound on it's side. I am sure if the bullhead continued attacking and pricking the goldfish in the right spot, enough times, it would of killed it.

I once was trying to remove a hook from the tough mouth of a bullhead I had caught, when I accidently got pricked by one of the spines, the area swelled up and it hurt for days, I was always a lot more careful when it came to handling bullheads after that. The poison contained in the bullheads sharp spines, can make even a small baby bullhead very painful if your not careful when handling it. The poison glands are common throughout the catfish and bullhead species.

Despite the appearance, there isn't a more mellow and better tasting fish than a bullhead or catfish. There are numerous ways one can prepare them for a meal, but all I ever do, is gut them out, remove the dorsal and pectoral fins, spines, head and the skin, leaving the tail fin intact. Then I just get me a large skillet and pour a good amount of cooking oil in it, and get it good and hot. Then I roll the bullhead or catfish meat in flour, and gently place them in the hot oil and fry them. I eat them hot with a little salt and pepper, and dip pieces of the meat into ketchup. Bullheads and catfish have the large backbones that make them the easiest fish to eat without filleting.

I think people just get the idea that they taste bad because they are bottom feeders. This means nothing really, a catfish and bullhead will eat or bite on a worm just like a bass or perch will. They may tend to stay or feed near the bottom of lakes, ponds and rivers but they really eat no crap or other junk. They like feeding near the bottoms because that is where one of their favorite meals live, crawfish, and clippers. The bullheads and catfish actually push small rocks and stones, logs and other debris on the bottom to look for the crawfish and clippers, along with other live water creatures, and bullheads and catfish nest and burrow into mud and banks

It is true that large catfish may be muddy tasting, but that can be simply cured by not eating the large ones. Some catfish have a dark stripe in the meat that goes the length of the fish, this area is sometimes strong tasting, again, just avoid eating this part and you will be fine. I have caught and ate bullheads and catfish all of my life, and I love them more then any other fish, including perch and bass.

Most of the bullheads I have caught here in Pennsylvania in the ponds and lakes are the black bullheads, once in awhile I catch a brown one, But there colors can vary a lot, I have caught some bullheads that were yellow or a nice shade of green. I believe it depends a lot on the amount of algae and other plants in the water, and also the time of the year, water temperature, and other factors.

I have been told by a lot of different fishermen that the best times to catch bullheads and catfish is at night. I have found that this is not always the case, in fact most of my best bullhead catches occurred during the daylight hours. I have fished at night and have not even gotten a bite, other times I have been at the pond at 3:00 PM, the hottest time of the day, on a clear, sunny, summer day, and have caught a whole stringer of bullheads. Sometimes something strange happens that seems to awaken bullheads, making them bite a lot or to suddenly stop biting. One time I was fishing during a nice sunny afternoon, when the sky clouded over, it wasn't the dark clouds, just the grey ones, as soon as the sun was gone, the bullheads stopped biting just like someone had turned off a switch. Another time, I was fishing on a sunny day when all of a sudden a thunderstorm hit, it got dark and started to rain, and thunder, all of a sudden the bullheads started to bite like crazy, then the storm passed and the sky cleared, when it did, the bullheads stopped biting. So whether it's a sunny day, cloudy day, or night, it seems there is a lot of factors one must take into consideration when catching bullheads and catfish. I have learned that either they are going to bite or they are not, whenever you go fishing, no matter what time of day or night it is.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

The Do's and Don'ts in Your Golf Mind

Tiger Woods Christmas Picture. You can also use this type of visualization to become more creative in your short game, visualizing different shots, both high and low. Remember, everything in life starts with a thought, including every shot you make in golf. You have to think about it, plan it, visualize it and then it has the best chance of doing what you what it to do. If you don't tell the golf ball clearly where you want it to go, it will go wherever it pleases...and probably won't please you!

Tiger Woods Picture. Here's a challenge for habitual slicers, which covers, as you probably know, 70% of the golfing population. Be honest now and really think about what thoughts run through your mind when you're standing on the tee and there are trees all the way down the right of the fairway. Are you thinking "OK, there's a great spot in the middle of the fairway and I'm going to aim at that particular point"; or do you think "Oh no, trees on the right, I'd better aim further left"? And as you aim further left, do you pick an exact target to aim at, or do you simply think "further left"? And as you aim "further left" do you find that you come across the ball more and slice the ball even further to the right? Because if you did that your golf ball probably did exactly what you told it to do...Even as you were thinking "further left" were you not PICTURING those darned trees down the right?

So, the challenge to slicers is to go out there and decide on your exact target and picture the ball's flight path and trajectory as it flies to that target and then just hit the ball. And if you really want to go for it, set the ball out to the RIGHT and draw it in to the centre, firstly in your imagination, and then notice how your mind really does tell the golf ball where to go. Your mind is far more important than your technique...try it and see for yourself. (If you think about it, what I'm saying is also very logical - if by intentionally setting it out left, you unintentionally hit a slice, then is it possible that by intentionally setting it out right, you might unintentionally hit a draw?)

Once again, you can be visualizing your routine and your shots when you are relaxing at home. What can be simpler than this type of practice? Practice, of the right things, really does make perfect. The beauty of visualization practice is that EVERY shot is perfect and so your brain is recording these perfect shots all of the time whilst you visualize. If you were partaking of actual practice, some shots would be great whilst others might not be so accurate - and your brain is recording every shot. This explains why numerous studies have shown that visualization practice is MORE effective than actual practice.

So if you want to get a HEAD start to your golfing season, get visualizing. And you don't have to spend hours at it either. Research has shown that just spending 1-3 minutes visualizing at a time is optimal for this type of effective practice. To put it in perspective, that's less time than smokers spend on smoking a cigarette! You could be visualizing whilst smoking or even while brushing your teeth.

And if you really want to excel you could go to sleep listening to a golf hypnosis cd to embed such visualizations deep into your subconscious mind; Again, what could be easier? You just get into bed, put the golf hypnosis cd on and fall asleep. Easy!

You can learn how to really visualize your shots with the help of hypnosis download. Hypnosis downloads can be used to get you to focus, to stay in the now, to visualize a great shot and to see what you really want to see thereby making it happen. And that’s what you want; you want to make it happen when you are out there on the course.

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Tetang Tamara Bleszynki Tampil Bugil

Tamara Bleszynski Artis Panas Baru Indonesia, tentang Tamara Bleszynki yang tampil bugil seta telanjang dalam film air terjun pengantin ini, merupakan hal yang sangat menarik juga kita perhatikan. Tamara Bleszynki yang selama ini selalu tampil anggun ternyata dalam hatinya ingin tampil bugil setengah telanjang. Dia pantas mendapat kehormatan sebagai artis bugil Indonesia tahun ini.

Sederet pujian dari model dan pesinetron Tamara Bleszynski, 34, meluncur untuk Mike Lewis. Sejak perceraiannya dengan Teuku Rafly empat tahun lalu, nama Mike sudah sering disebut. Dia dituding sebagai pengganjal dalam rumah tangga Tamara-Rafly yang menyebabkan perceraian.

Tamara mati-matian membela diri. Tetapi kemarin bintang iklan sabun ini dengan jujur mengakui jika saat ini sedang dekat dengan Mike yang enam tahun lebih muda. Tetapi dia buru-buru menambahkan. “Dulu memang sering bertemu ketika fashion show. Tetapi baru benar-benar dekat saat syuting bareng FTV yang tayang di SCTV,” kata Tamara saat ditemui di sela-sela peluncuran film perdananya itu di FX Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (30/11).

Pengakuan ini membuat gosip pernikahannya dengan Mike dibuka. Untuk yang satu ini dia menolak. ”Gosip. Saya belum menikah. Tetapi, saya cukup bahagia dengan Mike,” tambahnya. Meski belum berencana membawa kedekatan ini ke jenjang yang lebih serius, Tamara memang meyakini Mike adalah lelaki terbaik.

Seperti apa Mike di mata Tamara? “Dia itu baik, seru, dan kita saling mengenal. Dia orangnya bisa diajak bercanda dan sosoknya dewasa, ingin membuat saya kenal lebih jauh. Ah, kalau jawab itu jadi malu dan keringetan,” selorohnya.

”Mengakhiri masa lajang belum sekarang karena buat saya itu bukan suatu target. Saya mengalir saja. Sekarang sedang menikmati kedekatan, apa kita sama-sama cocok. Segala sesuatunya harus konsultasi dengan keluarga saya,” ujarnya.

Urusan konsultasi ini pula yang membuat Tamara berani berakting panas dalam film barunya, Air Terjun Pengantin. Dalam film ini dia tampil berbikini. Perempuan yang pernah mendapat julukan artis berpayudara terindah dari sebuah majalah wanita dewasa ini pun akan melakukan sejumlah adegan mesra.

”Benar, aku bermain dalam film bergenre horor yang ada adegan mesranya. Tapi, dalam film itu aku bukan cuma sebatas pamer tubuh. Adegan-adegan itu ada karena memang tuntutan alur cerita,” kata Tamara beberapa waktu lalu.

Tamara menolak pendapat yang menyebutkan bahwa penampilan beraninya itu lantaran ia ingin mengembalikan perhatian publik kepadanya. ”Sebenarnya baru sekarang dapat tawarannya untuk main film pakai bikini. Kalau dari dulu ada tawaran seperti ini dan ceritanya bagus, tentu akan saya ambil. Intinya saya ingin total dalam berakting,” katanya.

Yang membuatnya makin mantap lantaran ia telah mendapatkan restu dari keluarga. ”Butuh waktu dua minggu untuk berpikir. Saya enggak mau terjebak dalam peran saya yang itu-itu saja. Keluarga dan teman dekat setuju selama itu profesional,” ungkap pemeran Tiara dalam film Air Terjun Pengantin.
Untuk pose bikini dan adegan panas, konon Tamara mendapat honor Rp 1 miliar. ”Ya pasti ada bayarannya. Berapa besar bayarannya, aku enggak mau katakan angka,” kata Tamara seraya berusaha mengalihkan pembicaraan. kcm/warkot