Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Don't Take My Baby!

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan - There is one very specific type of movie that I just can't watch because I get too upset. I call it a "Don't Take My Baby" movie.

I'm sure you're familiar with this type of movie. The most common plot line is: Couple finds out they can't have baby and adopts. Couple loves baby very much and experience great joy until baby's birth parents challenge adoption and try to get baby back.

Other variations include:

* Gay partner dies and court won't allow non-biological parent to keep the baby.

* Parents find out baby was switched at birth and isn't theirs.

* Mother has been looking for missing baby for years, and refuses to believe baby is dead. Mother finds baby, but baby has a new life and doesn't remember mother.

* Father loves baby dearly, mother goes to jail, father learns baby isn't really his and loses custody.

Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan - The plot possibilities for "Don't Take My Baby" movies are endless. These movies are often, but not always, played on the Lifetime network. (Otherwise known in pop culture as "Lifetime Movies.") However, these plots can also be easily adopted on network dramas, although they usually aren't as emotional.

The problem with "Don't Take My Baby" movies is that I can't handle them emotionally. I don't even have a baby yet, but somehow the concept of having one's baby taken away has driven me to hysterics ever since I can remember.

I fully realize that there is an element here that sounds absolutely crazy and you may be wondering why I chose to make this a topic for the newsletter. Well, believe it or not, this does relate to adult ADD and here's how: adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) tend to be extremely emotionally sensitive. We often lose it emotionally over sad movies, sappy commercials, or distressing news stories.

Sure, "Don't Take My Baby" movies are always meant to be tearjerkers. But most people can have themselves a good cry and get over it. Adults with ADD are often slower to bounce back.

Because we have a high level of empathy and compassion, we can take on the pain of others (real or scripted) to such a high degree that it sends us down a path of extreme emotional disturbance and spiraling negative thoughts. This, in turn, leads to more stress and the potential to become overwhelmed.

And, as I always say, the more stressed out and overwhelmed you are, the harder it is to manage your ADD.

In order to avoid this scenario, we have to protect ourselves with some solid boundaries. For example, I no longer let myself watch "Don't Take My Baby" movies. I also won't watch documentaries about genocide, sick children, or people with terminal illnesses. I simply can't handle it and I know that watching these things is guaranteed to send me down a bad path.

You may find that in order to keep from falling into the trap of extreme emotions, you need to:

* Avoid watching the news.

* Make certain types of movies or shows off-limits.

* Steer clear of certain topics of conversation.

And when all else fails and you find yourself empathizing just a little too much, try to:

Remember that everyone has their challenges in life. You don't need to take on someone else's in addition to your own.

Talk out how you feel. Journal about it if you have no one that you can talk to in the moment.

Explore what it is about someone else's situation that hits you hard enough to be upsetting. Does it trigger a sadness in you that you haven't yet dealt with?

Draw a line between "pity" and "empathy." Having compassion and being able to imagine yourself in another's shoes is very different--and much more helpful and productive--than feeling sorry for them or taking on their pain.

Most importantly, remember that you can't effectively care for others until you care for yourself. And this sometimes means avoiding "emotional traps" on television or in the movies.

So the next time you're flipping the channels and happen upon a "Don't Take My Baby" movie, think of me bawling my eyes out over a poorly-written and badly-acted movie. Then change the channel.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Bencana alam Gempa Bumi Haiti

Gempa Haiti yang sudah merupakan salah satu bencana dunia meninggalkan cerita dibalak gempa yang terjadi di Haiti tersebut, yang berkekuatan 7,0 Sr yang telah menghancurkan peradaban Haiti. Kita bisa membaca sebuah berita setelah terjadinya gempa haiti dua minggu yang lalu.- Langkah yang dilakukan bocah tujuh tahun ini pantas dipuji. Terpicu rasa simpati melihat rekaman seorang bocah diselamatkan dari reruntuhan bangunan akibat gempa di Haiti, dia langsung bergerak mengumpulkan dana. Alhasil, terkumpul hampir Rp750 juta.

Video gempa Haiti yang telah banyak tersebar, menunjukan kepada kita akibat dari bencana alam yang sangat dahsyat tersebut. Kita bisa mengikuti berita seputar gempa Haiti . Awalnya, Charlie mengumpulkan dana dengan mengendarai sepeda sejauh 8 kilometer mengitari sebuah taman di London, Inggris. Usahanya mengelilingi taman hanya menghasilkan 500 poundsterling atau sekira Rp7,4 juta.

Usaha Charlie kemudian dibantu sang ibu Ibunya, Leonora. Charlie pun membuka penggalangan dana melalui internet. Usahanya tak sia-sia, banyak orang memberikan donasi lewat situs yang dibuatnya tersebut.

"Rasa simpatinya amat besar, dan dia (Charlie) merasa perlu melakukan sesuatu. Dimulai dari bersepeda bersama ayahnya di taman, kini usahanya berubah menjadi sesuatu yang lebih besar," ungkap ibu Charlie, Leonora seperti dikutip AFP, Senin (25/1/2010).

"Charlie memang membanggakan, apa yang dia lakukan memang baik. Dia bekerja keras dan menghasilkan uang dalam jumlah besar untuk disumbangkan," lanjut Leonora.

Sumbangan yang berhasil dikumpulkan tercatat sebanyak 50 ribu poundsterling atau sekira Rp749,6 Juta. Dana yang didapat website JustGiving miliknya itu nantinya akan diberikan melalui badan PBB untuk anak-anak kesejahteraan anak-anak, Unicef.

Pihak Unicef sendiri menyatakan, ini merupakan pertama kalinya seseorang dapat mengumpulkan bantuan hingga Rp749,6 juta dalam sehari. "Menyenangkan rasanya melihat seorang anak memulai inisiatif memberikan bantuan, khususnya di Inggris yang berusaha memberikan bantuan kepada anak korban gempa di Haiti," ucap juru bicara Unicef, Michael Newsome.

Bantuan dari Charlie ini rencananya akan digunakan untuk penyediaan air bersih, sanitasi, pendidikan, penyedian nutrisi, serta perlindungan untuk anak-anak korban gempa Haiti.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

F Sebagai Tersangka Pembobolan ATM

Skimmer ATM - Tim penyidik Mabes Polri menetapkan orang berinisial F sebagai tersangka pembobolan rekening nasabah melalui mesin Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) pada sejumlah bank nasional.

"F sudah ditetapkan tersangka dan terkait kasus pembobolan di Bali," kata Kepala Badan Reserse Kriminal (Kabareskrim), Komisaris Jenderal Ito Sumardi di Mabes Polri, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat.

Ito menuturkan F merupakan `pemain` pembobolan ATM yang sudah lama beroperasi dan diduga kuat terkait kasus pencurian sejumlah rekening nasabah bank di Denpasar, Bali, beberapa waktu lalu.

Sementara itu, Direktur II Ekonomi Khusus Bareskrim sekaligus ketua tim penyelidikan, Brigjen Pol. Radja Erizman menuturkan polisi sudah mengamankan F di Jakarta.

Erizman menjelaskan F terkait pembobolan ATM di Bali karena modus operandinya sama sehingga terindikasi dalam sindikat yang sama.

Selain menahan F, penyidik juga mengamankan uang tunai sebesar Rp23 juta, komputer, beberapa jenis kartu ATM dan perangkat "skimmer".

Skimmer adalah alat perekam data kartu ATM magnetik secara ilegal untuk menggandakan kartu ATM, lengkap beserta kamera yang berfungsi mencuri kode rahasia pengguna kartu penarikan uang tunai.

Erizman menambahkan jaringan yang tergabung dengan sindikat F diduga kuat pernah ditangkap sebelumnya pada kasus yang sama

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Pacman Takut Lawan Mayweather Jr

Obat Perangsang Wanita - Manny Pacquiao menolak untuk melakukan tes darah. Itu pertanda bahwa petinju asal Filipina tersebut tidak mau menghadapi Floyd Mayweather Jr. Benarkah?

Awalnya, pertarungan akbar antara Pacman melawan Mayweather Jr dijadwalkan terjadi pada 13 Maret mendatang. Tapi, hal itu terancam batal setelah kedua belah pihak berbeda pendapat.

Diketahui, pihak Mayweather Jr ingin Pacman melakukan tes darah di Agen Anti Doping AS (USADA). Namun, kubu Pacman menolak karena tes darah yang terlalu dekat dengan pertarungan membuatnya lemah.

Kini, pihak Mayweather Jr menyerang balik kubu Pacman. Dalam pernyataan Golden Boy Promotions menuding, Pacman dan promotornya Bob Arum tidak melihat sisi positif dari tes itu.

“Mari coba kita perjelas, Manny Pacquiao dan promotor Bob Arum berniat mundur dari pertarungan terbesar dari sejarah tinju,” demikian pernyataan kubu petinju asal Amerika itu dikutip Sky Sports, Rabu (30/12/2009).

“Ini sangat mengecewakan mengingat sisi positif dari tes darah. Pantasnya kubu Pacquiao memiliki pandangan yang berbeda dan mereka masih tidak mengerti sama sekali,” lanjut pernyataan itu.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Fish Oil for a Healthy Heart

Ramalan Jodoh, It seems that the healthy benefits of fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids are still being discovered. Aside from all of the health giving benefits of has been credited with in recent years, it seems that one of the most profound is its ability to help protect our hearts.

Protecting our hearts is something that is extremely valuable considering that heart disease is the number one killer of adults in the United States. This is due to a combination of a bad diet and lack of exercise and the numbers of heart attacks seem to be growing every single year. This makes the recent findings of the benefits of fish oil all the more exciting and promising for those that are looking to reduce the chances that they will succumb to this horrible disease.

Recent studies conducted in Denmark actually showed that ingesting fish oil supplements could reduce heart attacks by as much as 50%. This number is incredibly staggering but it seems to be backed up by another study from the Harvard school of public health that shows that those who include omega-3 fatty acids as part of the regular diet greatly lessen the risk of incurring any heart disease whatsoever. So, what makes these supplements so heart healthy?

One of the reasons that omega-3's as found in fish oil are so good for your heart is their ability to lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is just one of many risk factors found in those that eventually get heart disease. In addition, the very nature of the compounds themselves help to lower your triglyceride and overall cholesterol levels. The combination of high triglycerides and high cholesterol levels is a potent concoction that often leads to heart disease later in life. One of the main reasons that fish oil is so potent in lowering these harmful numbers is their ability to act as an anticoagulant and prevent the platelets from sticking together in the body causing high blood pressure and eventual blockages. They also have anti-inflammatory properties which reduce inflammation in your veins and arteries as well helping your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently.

While all of this information is extremely positive and helps to make the case of why you should include fish oil as part of your regular diet, it doesn't tell the whole story. If you are truly looking to reap the benefits of fish oil and have a healthy heart and a long life, you must combine ingesting fish oil with an overall healthy diet and a plan of consistent daily exercise. All of these elements are incredibly important and must work together if you want to truly stave off such harmful maladies as heart disease. Fish oil has some amazing properties but it is not a wonder cure all. You must strive to live an overall healthy lifestyle to ensure you can live healthily and avoid heart disease, heart attacks, and possible stroke for the rest of your life.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Women's Running

Ramalan Bintang | Ramalan Cinta | Ramalan jodoh, Being a runner over 40 has presented new areas of interest (and concern) for me on the road and more importantly in my training and recovery off the road. I love to run and it's great to see research being done on older runners...the Stanford study that shows that running slows aging or the Yale study that shows that older marathon runners (women in particular) are improving their running times more than younger runners.

I would like to share some insights and tips that I have learned along the way. Many of these women's running tips can apply to all runners, but they definitely take on a new perspective as the years go on and we get older, wiser, and perhaps, faster...

Training Tips:

1. Adding Miles: SLOWLY! Use the 10% rule. Add no more than 10% increase of the mileage each week. Here's more detailed explanation and chart from FitSugar.

2. Warmup: As we get older, the body needs time to get going and giving it that time will help avoid injuries. See "The Perfect Warmup" from Runner's World.

3.Cross-Training: Is a must for any runner, but as you age the relationship between cross-training and running becomes even more important. For a different, low impact, cross-training option, see our recent post on Aqua Running (or Pool Running). Core exercises have become another essential, here's some good ones from Runners World.

4.Strength Training: There is a lot of information out there on lifting weights and strength training, but being careful to start this in the "right" way is important as we get older. Running Planet has done a nice job w/ laying out "The 8 rules of Strength Training". We have some good videos on our Resources page.

5.Stretching/Yoga: Another must for the aging runner (and this has certainly been debated by many). Dara Torres proved this in her Olympic effort that stunned us all. She adhered to a strict resistance stretching regime (see previous post - Doing the Home Stretch with Dara Torres). I am not a huge fan of yoga, but here's a good article by Runners World about a runner w/ a ITB injury who didn't like yoga at the beginning, then became a convert. My always injury free LDF ("Long Distance Friend") swears by power yoga!

6.Rest: This has become one of the most important parts of my training. If I don't get enough rest, my body begins to break down. Listen (very closely) to your body.

7.Massage: Another Dara Torres staple and one of my personal favorites. It does not matter if you have a fabulous husband like I do or get from a pro, it works to relieve the stress of training and tired muscles. You can even do it yourself w/ some videos by Rich Poley who wrote "Self Massage for Athletes".

8.Set a Goal: Having a goal or a race to strive for makes the training have a purpose and keep me focused.

9.Training Programs: A little planning goes a long way. If possible, try to plan your training to run more often on softer surfaces like trails, dirt roads, grassy parks, or even the track. A few good programs are on our resource page. There are many good ones out there--find one that suits you.

10.The Track: Most marathon training programs will include track work as it helps develop the fast twitch muscles to build speed and lung power during a race...getting older does not mean getting less competitive:) If I am training for a marathon, it really makes a difference for me especially in the later miles of the race. Good article from Runner's World called "Running in Circles".

11.Injury/Recovery: This one is hard for me as I have had many... at 46, I still like to run fast. There are several common injuries to running and I think I have had them all. See "Coming back from an injury" posts. I have learned to recognize my body's warning signs and back off. Many of these tips (see Rest, Diet, Stretching/Yoga, Massage, Weight/BMI, Orthotics, and more) are meant to help avoid injuries or help w/ recovery.

12.Running with Music: Running with music can help motivation and provide a needed distraction. I have also learned about the importance of BPM (beats per minute) and ensuring that if you are listening to a song, be sure it is not too slow and unconsciously slowing your pace. Find 70's, 80's, and 90's music along w/ best bands of today and learn more about BPMs in this post: Best Running Music Ever

13.Weight/BMI: It seems that fast marathoners have a low Body Mass Index (BMI). Marathon Guide has a quick tool to calculate your BMI. Knowing yours can help to find the "right" BMI for your best running performance. See also post: "What's the 'right' BMI for a woman marathoner?"

14.Running in Different types of Weather: I am not a treadmill runner, so I will run in anything short of a blizzard. With the right layers of clothing this is possible. However, if you are training in summer for a fall race, beware of weather differences. The weather during your race may be very different then when you are training. Don't be discouraged if you are not able to run 17 miles the way you think you should when you are in 80-90 degree heat and high humidity.

15.Travel Running: Always bring the running shoes along! Some of my best runs have been among the monuments of parks, cityscapes and beaches of sand. Hotels (see this post that mentions WestinRun) now will provide maps (and sometimes runners) to guide you. With the help of MapMyRun you can find a route from anywhere. Take a look at some of our Travel running posts.

16.Running and Sex: Here's an interesting article by Running Times that quotes an Israeli scientist who declared "Women compete better after orgasm, especially high-jumpers and runners"...who am I to argue w/ Israeli scientists?

17. Fartlek Training: Sports Fitness Advisor has some good tips on how to incorporate fartlek into your training (psst...if you don't know what fartlek is, check out 10Ktruth.com's "Runnerspeak - Dictionary of Running Jargon and Other Sport Terms" ).

Nutrition and Hydration Tips:

18. Type of Diet: Adhering to a well-balanced, low-fat, wholegrain diet that is higher in carbs has always been the best route for me. I love a good smoothie (see post "Smoothie Operator --quick nutritional training meal") while training. Here's an interesting article w/ good tips on eating from Cool Running called "The Runner's Diet".

19.Hydration: It used to be all water and Gatorade for me, but now as I get older I don't want the same amount of calories. I opt for the lower calorie alternatives like electrolyte powder mixes (see post: "Water log: Hydration and road recovery options for runners").

20. Eating after Running: The window for eating after running is small, but important. See post "Refuel 'Right' after a Run"

Gear Tips:

21. Running Clothes/Bra: I like my running clothes sporty--not funky, but this is obviously personal preference. A good running bra will go a long way...avoid cotton at all cost. I have learned that running skirts are the most polarizing of all apparel items. However, if you love wearing a skirt, check out the Skirtchaser Race Series...looks like fun!

22.Running Shoes/Socks: Running shoes are so personal the only way to really find a pair is to go to a running store and keep trying them on until you find one that feels comfortable. There are tons of shoe guides for different types of feet that are helpful in narrowing it all down. Learning about pronation and choosing a shoe that fits whether you have normal pronation, underpronation (or supination), or overpronation (or hyper-pronation) is key. Runner's World has a good article along with videos on pronation here. I have changed my shoe once. I alternate pairs of three for marathon training (it used to be two but with my foot issues, it's now three). Here's Runner's World's "Spring 2009 Running Shoe Guide". The Asics Gel Kayano 15's are the "Editor's Choice" winners and also the shoes I use. A few other quick tips:

Measure your feet: As you age, your foot size may gradually change. Make sure salesperson measures your foot while you are standing up

Shop later in day: As the day goes on, you feet get slightly larger.

Orthotics and socks: Wear socks you use and bring orthotics to store when trying out shoes. Find "dry-wick" type of socks instead of cotton.

Check wear: Most shoes give you between 300 - 500 miles of running. Keep track of the miles (see #24- Running Log). Replacing shoes can avoid unnecessary injuries. Check for wear on soles and inside the shoe as well.

Local running store: Find a good store that specializes in running shoes. Bring in your old shoes when looking for new ones. A good running shoe specialist should be able to look at old shoe and note the wear/fit when choosing a proper new shoe. As about return policy, many stores will let you run in the shoes and return them if they cause problems. Once you've found the shoes that work for you, you may be able to find the shoes again on-line at places like Runners Warehouse (a bold pace readers get 15% off), Overstock, or Holabird Sports.

Break in the shoe: Don't wear a new shoe to a marathon, be sure you have had time to break it in. However, when buying a new shoe, it should feel good when you are trying it on.

Thumb-width: Have a thumb width between the end of your longest toe and the end of the shoe. I wear a 1/2 size bigger to make sure I have room in the toe box.

Get medical advice: If you have a persistent problem with your feet, get the advice of a medical professional. Believe me, waiting for a foot to heal can be agonizing. Don't make it take any longer by waiting to get help.

Here's a great video from Howcast that covers many of these tips: "How to Choose a Running Shoe"

23. Orthotics: I overpronate and could not live without these. If you have foot issues (plantar fasciitis, heal spurs, significant overpronation or underpronation, etc.), I'd recommend seeing a sports doc to consider orthotics as your new sole-mates:)

24.Running Log: Memory is not one of my strongest assets, so having a log to record my training keeps track of: weekly mileage, meals, shoe purchases (so I know when to retire shoes), favorite routes/runs, etc.

25. Running Watch/GPS: At heart, I am more of a zen runner (would rather not wear a watch or calculate each mile's pace...just run), but the NYC marathon last year changed that for me. I went out too fast and had a hard time at the end. I now wear one again. There are great watches and GPS devices (see article from NY Times) that make it easy to calculate pace/time/distance. Another option in a marathon is to make use of "pacers" at a race...here's Clif Bar's Marathon Pace Team info.

26. Running Bag: See "What's in your Running Bag? 10 Essential Items for Taking your Run on the Road"

27. Chaffing: Avoid blisters, use BodyGlide, Vaseline or new Asics Chafe Free. Apply anywhere that rubs...feet, nipples, etc. For more on Asics, see "The End of Run Chaffing?"

28. ipods: The must have for runners (even if you need to borrow from your child). I understand why a lot of runners do not like to use during races , but if you love music, this can be a great way to relax and keep going (ipods are now allowed at some races, see post "Music to my ears"). Be sure to choose songs that work w/ your pace/BPM.

29. Reading about Running: There are so many fabulous books out there on running that are fun to read. They can motivate and excite you. We have a few posted on our Amazon Store.

Racing Tips:

30.Finding a Race: Marathon guide or Racevine can help you find a marathons and other shorter races. These sites not only list races, they rate them.

31. Racing for a Charity: Millions of dollars a year are raised by runners for charity. It can make the race more meaningful if you have someone in mind as you run the miles. Supporting a good cause can also be a way into a sold-out race.

32.Women only Races: More magazine's Marathon/Half-Marathon (they have the best expo), Zooma Women's Race Series, Nike Women's Marathon and See Jane Run are just a few of the women only races out there. They are fun, lively and a bit more polite then the co-ed races:)

33.Pace your Race: It is helpful to know your race goal and have the mile split times easily accessible. PaceTat is a durable, lightweight (actually weightless), and unobtrusive way to keep track of your pace while racing. These are simple transfers that you apply before you race and shows your mile split goals in clear large font. Brilliant idea, and only $2.00 - $2.99 per transfer. Or go the simple and FREE route w/ this tool from Clif Bar.

34.Speed at 40/Beating your PR:There have been numerous articles about how women are older women are getting faster and staying there (see ABC News article on Yale University Study). As we gain experience, we become more efficient runners. We know to run the tangents, prepare properly, and read tips like many we have listed here. We also have more time to train as our children get older.

35.Qualifying for Boston/The Boston Times: Boston is a great, tough race. It is an honor to run it. This is not one to be missed if you qualify. See some of our posts about the Boston Marathon. Check out the Boston Marathon Qualifying Times.

36. The Race Day Survival Kit: You don't want any last minute surprises on race day. Having a race day kit can help you to know you are prepared and keep you focused on the race. Assuming you already are wearing your clothes, shoes, have your watch, etc...there are still some items you need. There are two options... you can use a "check-in bag" where you have to wait in-line to get a claim ticket or use a "disposable bag" that has just the essentials and can be tossed. Here are checklists for both:

Check-in Bag:

____Extra Clothes: Nice to have a spare top, shorts, and socks to change into after the race.

____Sunglasses and sunscreen: If it's a hot and sunny day, you'll be glad you have these.

____Towel: There may be a shower at the end of the race, but even if not, nice to have to towel off.

____Phone: To contact friends after race

____Money: For any emergency needs

____Pre-race food and fluids

____Post-race food and fluids

____Race Number (if already have) and safety pins: Bring a few extra and you'll make lots of friends:)

____Race Chip (if already have)

____Course map/Race instructions

____Band-aids/Athletic Tape/First aid

____BodyGlide/Vaseline/Chafe Free


____Large garbage bag: Helpful if windy or raining before the race or just to sit on.

____Wipes: Useful for nasty porta-potty

____Magazine: Nice to catch up on Vanity Fair while waiting in line for race to start:)

____Extra Goo packets: Use safety pin to keep a couple with you for during the race.

Disposable Bag:

____Pre-race food and fluids

____Wipes: Useful for nasty porta-potty

____Throwaway old clothes: Sweatshirt or long-sleeve shirt. Most races donate discarded clothes to charity.

____Race Number (if already have) and safety pins: Bring a few extra and you'll make lots of friends:)

____Race Chip (if already have)

____Magazine: Nice to catch up on Vanity Fair while waiting in line for start:) Put in garbage before start.

____Large garbage bag: Helpful if windy or raining before the race or just to sit on.

____Extra Goo packets: Use safety pin to keep a couple with you for during the race.

The Running Psyche Tips:

37. Making time for yourself: Running = sanity. Alone or with friends it has fantastic therapeutic results that last all day. I find doing it early in the morning is best as I know I'll get my run in and "life stuff" during the day will not get in the way.

38.The Running Group: One of my LDFs and I always joke how we are going to write a book about the nuances of our running group. Finding friends to share running with is a wonderful thing and helps you to stay motivated and enjoy the company along with the run.

39. Running Websites/Blogs: There is so much on the web now that you can tap into for running advice, training, support...see our blogroll. It's a great time to be a runner. If you're not getting automatic e-mail updates from a bold pace, don't miss out! Or if you prefer, get our RSS feed.

40. Going beyond your limits: I have to add this because it is the reason I give my son every time he asks why I run..."running for me is about going beyond the limits I have of myself in my mind". He's very logical and always answers..."limits are definitive--you can't go beyond them"...I keep trying to prove him wrong.

Perhaps it is the fresh air or the hours of laboring over one subject with LDFs but from running has come some profound realizations. My LDF Heidi and I have decided that everything our children need to know about life we can relate to running. A life manual in the making perhaps? There is always "One for the THE Book..." decided on a run.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

What Celebrities and Other Fashionable People

Jennifer Lopez, Every year around this time, I grow tired of my summer clothes and the way my bare thighs to stick to my leather car seat. Thankfully, just as I’m dreaming of cozy sweaters and tall boots, warm fires and chilly nights, designers introduce their fall collections, magazine editors plaster the goods across glossy spreads, and models and actors start to wear them.

If you’re like me and you’re dreaming of cool weather fashions, here’s a sneak peek at what’s hot for the coming season. These are the top trends that came down the runway for fall—and the ones that are showing up on your favorite stylish A-lister. Adopt these looks if they suit you, or mix and match the trends you like—the ones that fit your body and your personality. Get a leg up on shopping now, and, come fall, you’ll look super chic—just like your favorite star.


Ruffled blouses: In stark contrast to the menswear-inspired suits designers are showcasing for fall (more later), the ruffled blouses they’re pushing are sweetly and seductively feminine. This season’s styles are delicate, gauzy and soft, with lots of ruffles, lace, full sleeves and demure buttons. Before you turn your nose up, however, you can make these delicate blouses edgier by layering them under the season’s stylish cropped jacket. (The layered look is in for clothes this fall, trust me: You will look so hip.) Or, do as Kate Bosworth does, save the world from sugar shock by pairing an ultra-feminine top with jeans. Which leads us to our next fall trend…

Skinny jeans: I understand that fashion fluctuates, and that it’s time to retire the bootleg, but I don’t like the skinny-jeans trend. The low-rise, flared-leg jeans of yesterday are much more flattering than the super-sleek, skinny, slouchy-ankle (called “the skinny stack” according to People magazine) jeans of this season. Stars and celebrity stylists apparently disagree. Celebs like Jessica Alba, Kate Moss, Ashlee Simpson and Carmen Electra are already sporting super-skinny jeans, typically with heels or occasionally flats (for the more long-legged). Let’s hope this trend passes quickly, but in the meantime, if you dare, opt for heels and a top that hits at the hip to add length and balance to your super skinny jeans.

Leggings: Leggings looked stupid in the 80s and they can look just as unflattering now if you don’t wear them right. Get the look down, though, and modern leggings are fresh; thankfully they’re not paired under jackets with giant shoulder pads, baggy tunics, bad perms and oversize matching plastic earrings. (Men especially hated this look. I don’t really remember men commenting much about women’s fashion, so this trend must have been especially ugly. But I digress.) If you want to wear leggings, make like stylish celebs Jessica Alba and Sienna Miller (who always look cute) and pair black, mid-calf-length leggings with ballet flats and an oversize, belted tunic or minidress. (Key word: belted.) Don’t wear brightly colored or ribbed leggings, and steer clear of shiny ones unless you’re going running. As well, don’t throw a super slouchy tunic on top or you’ll just look sloppy. And, for Pete’s sake, unless you’re Mischa Barton-skinny, don’t wear leggings with a cropped top. Leggings underneath a cute little dress or belted tunic or sweater is the way to go with this trend.

Military Jackets/Menswear: Okay, finally a fall trend I can totally support. There is nothing sexier than a gorgeous woman in a masculine suit (remember Kate Hepburn? Madonna in her Vogue video)? Stars like Charlize Theron and Penelope Cruz look stunning in menswear-inspired suits. It’s the contrast of striking femininity against tough masculinity. To wear this trend well, keep your hair loose and your makeup soft, and be sure to add bold jewelry. My favorite suits for this season are black or gray pinstriped pantsuits, preferably with flat-front trousers and a jacket with a deep V-neck. As for military jackets, I like them in blues with gold accents, paired with jeans and the season’s hot new ankle boots, or even flats.

Flounced Skirts and Modern Minidresses: Show off great legs (think Halle Barry and Sarah Jessica Parker) in this fall’s short skirts and dresses, along with those super hip aforementioned ankle boots. Just keep the rest of your look sleek and toned down. To feel like an adult and not a tot or, eek, a woman of questionable morals, pair minis with opaque, dark tights and flats or boots. And for goodness’ sake, do not wear a revealing top. As for flouncy, balloon skirts, you can get a little bit more creative with your top, depending on the skirt length and style. As a rule, pair a more detailed, ballooned, feminine skirt with a less dramatic top and vice versa. Wear these with heels. One note: Steer clear of this season’s jumpers, unless you want to look like a Swiss milkmaid or a Catholic schoolgirl.


Somber hues: As you’ve guessed, somber hues like gray, black and brown are in this fall. Along with muted colors, embellishments are at a minimum, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add a great piece of jewelry, like a pearl brooch or an oversize cocktail ring, to the mix. Or punch up the somber mood of fall fashions with faux animal skin shoes or a bag, or anything oversized and gold, like a big gold chain necklace or hammered cuff.

Red: According to Vogue, red is the new black. (Check out the mag’s September spread with Christy Turlington.) How to wear it? A stunning allover piece, like a red dress in a warm hue, or a red tunic, is gorgeous. If that’s too much, red patent leather boots or strappy leather sandals add a splash of red without going overboard. Head to toe red or red accessories still sound too bold? Try bright red lipstick, bright red nail polish, or a little clutch in, you guessed it, red. One note of caution: I wouldn’t recommend the red military jacket unless you’re calling the hunt.


Clothes are somber this season, but there is an upside: jewelry isn’t. Now’s the time to bring out (or buy) bold metallics and yellow gold. Hammered gold oversize earrings (like chandeliers, hoops, and dangles) are in this season, as are hammered gold cuff bracelets and wide gemstone cuffs in a bright hue like carnelian or aventurine. Black is also back in a big way. Try a black pearl necklace or a strand of demure white pearls tied with a black ribbon (there’s that sexy contrast again). Or a black beaded bracelet or black pearl dangle earrings. And forget the long, layered necklace look for now. It’s all about one statement-making piece. Try tying your pearl necklace in a loose knot before putting it on, or, to really make it fresh, thread a cocktail ring, class ring or bold brooch on your pearl necklace. Remember, with bold jewelry, you are making a statement, so keep other jewelry to a minimum. This season’s fashions are the perfect backdrop to statement-making pieces.

When choosing fall fashions, remember, wear what works for you, not what works for your favorite celebrity. Now go get creative!

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Main di Piala Afrika

Piala dunia 2010, Kapten Togo, Emmanuel Adebayor mengatakan, dia dan rekan-rekannya sebenarnya ingin tetap bermain di Piala Afrika. Mereka ingin menghormati sopir bus yang tewas juga demi kehormatan negara. Namun, pemerintahlah yang akhirnya memutuskan untuk mundur.

Togo memang akhirnya mundur dari Piala Afrika, setelah bus mereka diserang kelompok separatis. Akibat serangan itu, sopir bus tewas dan sembilan orang terluka, termasuk dua pemain.

Meski trauma, para pemain Togo sebenarnya ingin tetap bermain di Piala Afrika. Namun, pemerintah Togo kecewa karena tak ada jaminan keamanan. Sehingga, negeri itu akhirnya memutuskan untuk mundur. Keputusan yang sama nyarid dilakukan oleh Pantai Gading dan Nigeria, tapi akhirnya dibatalkan.

"Ada pertemuan pemain dan kami merasa pemain bola yang tak berhubungan dengan politik. Kami memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu di Piala Afrika denga negara dan mereka yang tewas. Sayangnya, kepala negera kami memutuskan untuk mundur. Kami akan segera pulang," kata Adebayor.

"Keluarga dan orang-orang yang mencintai kami juga telah menelepon kami. Mereka mengatakan, jika kami ingin tetap bermain dipersilakan terus bermain. Tapi, pemerintahlah yang membuat keputusan," tambahnya dalam wawancara dengan Radio Perancis, RMC.

"Apakah akan ada serangan lain? Tak ada yang tahu. Jika pemerintah meminta kami pulang, mungkin ada informasi bahwa akan ada serangan susulan. Kami harus menghormati hal itu. Pemerintah tahu apa yang terbaik buat karier dan hidup kami," jelas Adebayor.

"Kami akan dijemput pesawat kepresidenan. Pesawat sudah meninggalkan Lome (ibukota Togo, Red)," jelasnya.

Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

Penekanan Ramalan Bintang

Ramalan Bintang memang perlu penekanan serta penguatan di mesin pencari agar kuat dan dapat bertahan di halaman pertama. dengan berita yang ada seputar tahun baru yang baru saja kita rayakan bersama, mari kita sama - sama berusaha lebih keras serta lebih baik lagi di masa yang akan datang. Inilah berita seputar tahun baru dari Bandung.

Beragam tema diusung oleh hotel yang ada di Bandung dalam merayakan malam pergantian tahun. Mulai dari Carnaval Party hingga mulih ka lembur.

Seperti di Hotel Grand Preanger, hotel bintang lima yang terletak di Jalan Asia Afrika ini mengusung tema Carnaval Party ala Preanger.

Konsep sirkus lengkap dengan badut dan pernak-perniknya pun disiapkan oleh pengelola hotel untuk memanjakan tamunya dalam menyambut malam pergantian tahun.

"Konsep kita adalah Carnaval Party. Ada sirkus, badut dan pernak-pernik carnaval lainnya," ujar Assitant PR Manager Hotel Grand Preanger, Nita Desirianti saat berbincang dengan detikbandung, Kamis (31/12/2009).

Ditambahkan oleh Nita, untuk memeriahkan suasana pergantian tahun malam nanti, tidak hanya ada pertunjukan dari Lafrosia Band. Tapi juga sexy dancer, stand ramalan dan tatto dijamin memuaskan pengunjung. Menariknya, ditengah-tengah acara rencananya ada demonstrasi ice cream raksasa.

"Kita mulai acara dari pukul 21.20 WIB sampai 1.30 WIB. Sebelumnya ada Sexy Dancer pada pukul 22.00-23.00 WIB. Dan menariknya, saat penghitungan detik-detik pergantian kita lakukan dengan ala magician. Pokoknya full entertainment," tuturnya.

Banyak hadiah yang dibagikan saat malam nanti. Hadiah tersebut berupa menginap di Pulau Umang, Sengigi Beach Lombok, Sanur, Preanger, Crystal Jakarta, Tanjung Lesung, voucher spa, diner dan grand doorprizenya adalah paket perjalanan wisata Jakarta-Hongkong-Jakarta dari Garuda Airlines.

Begitu pula di Hotel Hilton yang terletak di Jalan Pasirkaliki. Mengusung tema Caribean Chic. Acara malam tahun baru digelar di 3 tempat. Diawali di Purnawarman Resto, pengunjung disuguhkan jamuan makan malam dengan diiringi pertunjukan musik akustik dari pukul 19.00-21.00 WIB.

Acara berlanjut ke lobi hotel. Mulai dari pertunjukan Desember Band, perkusi, street magician hingga cappoera mengiringi fashion show dari Maliq Musharaf. Puncak acara sendiri digelar di swimming poll di lantai 6.

Dengan 2 konsep yang berbeda yakni restaurant dan lounge, pengunjung disuguhkan berbagai macam pertunjukan. Di restaurant, pengunjung dimanjakan dengan 7 macam menu hanya dengan membayar Rp 550 ribu plus 21 persen pajak. Sedangkan di lounge, dengan Rp 300 ribu ++, pengunjung disambut dengan free flow drink dan pertujukan Band 2 Triple O serta DJ Melody.

"Caribbean Chic berarti sentuhan nuansa pulau karibia yang hangat dan meriah namun tetap elegan dan anggung," jelas Niken Ambarsari, Assistent Marketing Communication Manager Hotel Hilton.

Konsep yang berbeda coba ditawarkan oleh Hotel The Jayakarta Bandung. Mengusung tema Spirit of Parahyangan, hotel ini mencoba mengajak pengunjungnya untuk mulih ka lembur.

Setting nuansa perkampungan digelar mulai dari area lobi. Pengunjung langsung disuguhkan musik khas Sunda. Angklung dan degung menjadi pengantar pengunjung hotel yang terletak di Jalan Ir Djuanda ini kembali ke desa.

Tak hanya itu, beragam makanan dan minuman jadul pun digelar disana. Mulai dari es goyang hingga makanan yang susah didapat di tempat-tempat lainnya.

"Saat yang lain glamor, kita mulih ka lembur. Kita lihat sekarang orang mencari yang tradisional yah, itu sebabnya kita bikin acara tahun baruan di kita dengan konsep perkampungan," papar Fiena Fauzia, PR Hotel The Jayakarta Bandung.

Tak sia-sia pihak manajemen hotel di Bandung mengemas acara pergantian tahun. Okupansi hotel-hotel tersebut hampir 100 persen. Bahkan untuk Hotel Grand Preanger sudah full.

Ingin tahun baruan di hotel? Buruan reservasi detik ini juga.