Rabu, 28 April 2010

Download Cowboys in Paradise Film

Download Cowboys in Paradise - Film dokumenter 'Cowboys in Paradise' mendapat protes keras di Bali. Bagi artis Wulan Guritno, protes warga Bali atas film dokumenter yang dinilai mencemarkan nama Bali itu merupakan hal yang sah dilakukan.

"Itu sah-sah saja kalau ada penolakan dari sejumlah lapisan masyarakat (Bali)," kata Wulan kepada detikhot, Senin (26/4/2010) malam.

Sebuah film menurut bintang 'Demi Dewi' itu, biasanya bercerita tentang karakter atau realita sebuah bangsa. Asal dibuat dengan cara yang baik, sebuah film yang menggambarkan realita yang buruk pun tidak akan menjadi masalah.

"Tapi dikembalikan lagi ke masyarakatnya apakah siap atau tidak untuk menerima film tersebut," ucap perempuan yang sedang hamil 7 bulan itu.

Mengenai apakah cerita banyak gigolo di Kuta seperti yang di film 'Cowboys in Paradise' benar atau tidak, biarlah masyarakat yang menilai.

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Nokia dan Linux Dalam N900 ‎

Harga Hp Nokia Terbaru - Sejak rilis di Indonesia pada medio akhir Maret 2010, Nokia N900 telah mengundang rasa penasaran dari gadget freak tanah air. Digodok oleh riset matang selama 4 tahun di Laboratorium Nokia Finlandia, Nokia N900 yang telah ditunggu sejak lama ini mengandalkan "senjatanya" pada prosesor berkekuatan besar dan platform Maemo yang berbasis Linux.

Hp Nokia Terbaru - Maemo sendiri adalah sistem operasi dengan Linux yang dirancang untuk bekerja pada komputer seluler sepintar Nokia. Platform open-source ini memungkinkan komunitas Maemo untuk mengembangkan terus-menerus perangkat lunak Maemo. Ini merupakan tujuan Nokia dalam memberikan nilai tambah bagi semua pengguna Maemo.

Nokia N900 juga kaya akan fitur yang memaksimalkan kemudahan dan kenyamanan bagi penggunanya. Mulai dari desain ponsel yang ringkas, layar sentuh taktil dan keyboard geser QWERTY, multitasking yang lancar dan simultan hingga kemampuan akses serta update status Facebook secara real time.

Layar panorama Nokia N900 juga memungkinan pengguna melihat secara jelas dan nyaman. Browsing halaman situs web bisa diperoleh layaknya browsing pada komputer desktop. Apa yang disajikan adalah yang kita dapatkan, termasuk mendukung flash, animasi serta fitur interaktif lainnya.

Bermain games pada Nokia N900 juga tambah seru dengan dukungan akselerator grafik 3D yang didukung OpenGL ES 2.0. Tak hanya itu, pada games tertentu kita bisa melakukan gerakan meloncat dengan memegang ponsel dan menggerakkannya seperti layaknya meloncat.

Layar depan atau dashboard N900 juga dirancang memungkinkan pengguna membuka beberapa dashboard sekaligus. Hal ini tentu saja memberi kemudahan saat mengikuti thread chatting sambil menulis SMS ataupun melakukan browsing. Cukup menggeser-sentuh layar ke kiri-kanan untuk beralih aplikasi secara simultan. Kemampuan beralih simultan dengan lancar ini didukung pula oleh memori aplikasi hingga 1 GB.

Sudah siapkah Anda menerima kolaborasi dashyat dari Nokia dan Linux yang terdapat dalam ponsel pintar Nokia N900? Temukan segera kecanggihannya hanya di gerai resmi Nokia terdekat.

Jumat, 23 April 2010


Film Terbaru - Pattinson, who stars in the Twilight film franchise as the vampire Edward Cullen, said: "I always think there must be more. I get angry, because I think I'm missing out." The 23 year-old is already a keen songwriter and musician and has ambitions to release an album in the future. However, his heavy filming commitments mean that he hasn't had the time to focus on a musical career.

Film Pattinson, who is in a relationship with Kristen Stewart, his 19 year-old Twilight costar, said: "I haven't been able to do my music for ages. I can't concentrate on two things at once. I don't even listen to music when I'm working on a movie."

The actor grew up in the London suburb of Barnes. His mother, Clare, worked for a modelling agency, while his father, Richard, is a vintage-car dealer.

He is the youngest of three children; Elizabeth, a musician, is 26, and Victoria, who works in advertising, is 31. He attended Tower House prep school and then the Harrodian School.

"I never really did much acting back then," he says. "But one day my dad and I were in a restaurant and he saw this bunch of pretty girls and he asked them where they had been. They said that they went to this drama club, so he said we’d better go down to this drama club, too."

Selasa, 20 April 2010

Nokia Handphone

Harga Nokia C3 - T-Mobile and 3 UK's joint venture network sharing firm, Mobile Broadband Network Limited (MBNL), has awarded a £400m 3G mobile broadband upgrade contract to Nokia Siemens Networks.

Nokia C3 - MBNL has said that the deal would put 98 per cent of the UK population in range of the company's shared mobile broadband infrastructure.

The deal should boost T-Mobile and 3 UK's capacity to service the growth in mobile data use.

MBNL managing director Graham Payne said: “Smartphone and mobile laptop data traffic growth in the UK has been unprecedented, and there is every sign it will continue to grow as fast going forward."

Emin Gurdenli, T-Mobile UK technical director, added: "as high-speed mobile broadband becomes increasingly adopted for fast, simple internet access wherever you are, network performance becomes an increasingly important competitive differentiator."

In addition, having a UK network reach of close to 100 per cent could mean the mobile operators are well positioned to help deliver the Digital Britain universal service commitment (USC).

That commitment aims to get a minimum speed of 2Mbit/s download bandwidth to everybody in the UK by 2012. However, the solutions on offer currently mean the last 10 per cent of users, based in rural areas, are not able to access broadband at this speed.

T-Mobile said its 3G network upgrade to high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) was completed earlier this year, which gives a theoretical download speed of 7.2 Mbit/s.

However, that headline speed is unlikely to be achieved in practice due to the user's distance from the nearest mobile base station and the 'cell size' – the number users connecting to the same base station.

T-Mobile is rolling out a faster version of mobile broadband in the US - evolved high speed packet access (HSPA+), giving a theoretical download speed of 21Mbit/s.

An upgrade of its UK network to that specification could see it being able to surpass Digital Britain's USC of a minimum 2Mbit/s download speed.

Whether the two mobile operators would get contracts to participate in the USC will depend on Broadband Delivery UK's (BDUK) chief executive Adrian Kamellard. BDUK is the body responsible for deploying the government’s Universal Service Commitment and Next Generation Fund.

It has two strategy objectives outlined on the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) web site:

1. To drive the USC of 2Mbit/s to every household by 2012, using funds raised by the Digital Switchover Fund.
2. Manage the spend of the £1bn Next Generation Fund to deliver Next Generation Broadband to 90 per cent of the country by 2017.

In January 2009 the Republic of Ireland announced its scheme for national broadband provision, with mobile operator 3 tasked with connecting the last 10 per cent of Ireland’s population to the internet by September 2010.

MBNL was set up in December 2007 to combine T-Mobile and 3 UK's 3G access network, including mobile masts and infrastructure connecting each mobile operator's core backhaul networks.

Sabtu, 17 April 2010


Burgers - Broad bean tips are not something you will find down the supermarket. Or frankly, in any shop at all. They are, for once, the spring treasure for those who grow their own. Their flavour is something of a cross between that of a mild broad bean and young spinach leaves. Broad bean tips are removed as part of the growing cycle in order to make the plants less attractive to black fly, and in doing so you also help the pods to fatten up. One for the gardeners. Serves two

6 spring onions

3 cloves garlic

a little olive oil

5 or 6 large sprigs flat-leaf parsley

150g chestnut or small button mushrooms

4 handfuls broad bean tips

Trim the spring onions then roughly chop them. Peel and finely chop the cloves of garlic.

Resep - Warm a little olive oil in a shallow pan and cook the spring onions and garlic over a moderate heat till soft and pale gold in colour. Chop the flat-leaf parsley and stir in. Halve or quarter the mushrooms then add to the pan, stirring them with the spring onions and garlic and let them cook till thoroughly golden.

Rinse the broad bean tips to remove any soil or aphids. I find this easiest by swirling them in a deep bowl of iced cold water. Shake them gently dry then add to the pan.

Remove as soon as they start to wilt and darken slightly in colour. Serve immediately, while all is hot and sizzling.

Selasa, 13 April 2010

World Cup 2010

Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010 - The vice-president of the Japan Football Association Junji Ogura has told Goal.com that while coach Takeshi Okada may be aiming for a last four finish at the 2010 World Cup, Ogura himself will be satisfied with a place in the second round.

Goal.com caught up with Ogura, also a member of FIFA’s Executive Committee, in Osaka after last week’s friendly defeat at the hands of Serbia.

“If we pass the first round then I am very happy,” Ogura told Goal.com. “To go to the last 16 will be great. In 2006, we were eliminated at the first round.”

Okada’s stated goal of a semi-final finish has been discussed at length both inside and outside Japan but Ogura is happy for a lofty ambition.

“The coach’s point of view is that he has given a target for the players. In 2002, Korea were at home but became the fourth team, Japan, if you take goal difference into account finished as number nine. So if Korea can become number four then Japan also have the chance to become number four."

Poor results at home in 2010 have led to coach Okada coming in for some fierce criticism in the Japanese media.
Japan take on Cameroon, Netherlands and Denmark in Group E in South Africa.

John Duerden

Asia Editor

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Are Meat Free Mondays

Vegetarians Recipes - Pro and anti meat-eaters will continue to argue about whether everyone giving up some meat, or all meat, would actually help to reduce carbon emissions, preserve the ozone layer, etc. More research is needed to prove the case either way.

Vegetarian -While that debate rages on, it is still apparently the case that about a third of us in the UK eat a roast every Sunday. Many people then use up the leftovers by making something such as a shepherd’s pie, curry or bolognese on the Monday.

“Meat Free Monday” is the catchy name of a campaign launched by the McCartney family. In fact, Stella has designed some branded T-shirts for GapKids which went into London stores last week, so no doubt more parents will soon be facing similar pressure from their offspring to follow suit. The trouble is that leftover meat from the Sunday roast is often quite low in fat, rich in protein and a good source of iron, which many women in this country lack in their diet. Too little iron can lead to tiredness, poor concentration and raised stress levels — so you could argue that wasting this meat would be “anti-green” in itself.

If you want to encourage your daughter’s enthusiasm for preserving the environment, perhaps you and she could designate another day as “meat-free”. This shouldn’t be too hard, as the average family in Britain eats lean red meat three to four times a week.

If people swapped processed meat products such as burgers, sausages and meat pies — which tend to be high in saturated fats, total fats, salt and calories any day of the week — for something such as a cashew nut stir-fry, I daresay their health would benefit.

Even so, many vegetarian options are less than ideal from a nutritional point of view. A vegetarian lasagne may not use meat but it still has a rich béchamel sauce, Cheddar cheese and egg pasta, bringing in about 450 calories and 20g of fat per serving. A “healthy eating” standard lasagne (ie, with meat) has only 332 calories and 10g of fat for the same 400g serving. A vegetarian toad in the hole has more than 500 calories and 19g of fat per serving, and a Linda McCartney deep country vegetarian pie 412 calories and 24g of fat per serving.

I am not knocking vegetarian food, but the same rules for healthy eating apply whether your diet is vegetarian or omnivorous: go very carefully on oils, cheese, cream and all full-fat dairy products (and their vegetarian alternatives), avoid pastry-clad and fried food if possible, cook from scratch whenever you can, watch your portion sizes (especially of nuts and seeds) and aim to consume at least five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day.

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Perbaikan Nokia N70

Daftar Harga Nokia - Menanggapi keluhan layanan NSCC Fatmawati yang disampaikan Bapak Unggul Sasongko melalui Surat Pembaca Media Detik.com Kamis, 25 Maret 2010, dengan ini kami informasikan bahwa telepon seluler Nokia model N70 milik Bapak Unggul Sasongko, telah selesai diperbaiki dan diambil kembali oleh yang bersangkutan Rabu, 24 Maret 2010.

Dengan demikian permasalahan telah kami selesaikan dan bila ada keluhan terhadap kualitas layanan kami dapat disampaikan melalui telepon 021-5266542. Atau dengan mengunjungi situs kami di www.nokia.co.id (dukungan, ask nokia, e-mail).

Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) adalah sebuah perusahaan besar yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi. Selama ini, NSN terkenal karena perangkat keras mereka banyak digunakan oleh beberapa operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Ternyata, selama ini NSN tidak hanya melayani penjualan hardware belaka, mereka juga melayani jasa outsourcing atau managed services. Dengan penjualan jasa seperti itu, NSN berharap dapat membantu pelanggannya untuk memfokuskan pada bisnis inti mereka dan dapat menempatkan diri pada peran yang mereka inginkan dalam rantai nilai industri telekomunikasi.

NSN bermain di bisnis managed services setelah memikirkan beberapa hal penting. Para operator terus menghadapi tantangan yang menghadirkan tekanan dari empat penjuru secara bersamaan, yaitu pasar, teknologi, operasional, dan finansial. Umumnya, tiap operator memiliki tantangan bisnis yang berbeda. Namun, seluruh atau sebagian besar di antaranya perlu menyeimbangkan dan mempertemukan strategi pertumbuhan dan strategi pengurangan biaya secara bersamaan. Para operator juga perlu meningkatkan model bisnis mereka secara cepat dan heat biaya agar menjadi kompetitif.

Adanya managed services dari NSN dapat membantu para operator untuk lebih fokus pada sisi bisnis mereka. NSN yang akan mengimplementasi dan menjalankan teknologi yang terus berkembang sehingga mengijinkan operator untuk terus mengembangkan bisnis.

Target utama para operator adalah membuat hubungan dengan pelanggan menjadi semakin bernilai, sehingga mereka bisa muncul sebagai pemenang dalam persaingan global dan memeberikan nilai bagi para pemegang saham. Dengan mengalih tugaskan beberapa aktivitas yang penting tetapi bukan aktivitas yang menghasilkan diferensasi, para operator dapat berkonsentrasi pada berbagai upaya mereka di area penting untuk menjaga para pelanggan.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Branstad has most to lose in debate ‎

Contoh Pidato - The Republicans running for governor have been busy setting the stage for Wednesday's debate in Sioux City, the first of three televised meetings for the candidates. Former Gov. Terry Branstad, the front-runner in early polls and fundraising, has the most to lose. He knows the other candidates will work to keep him on the defensive. They'll want the debate to be about the least attractive aspects of his 16-year record as governor: the tax increases, the budget sleight-of-hand, the legalization of gambling.

Naskah Pidato - Branstad signaled Monday, however, that he wants the debate to be about the future. He unveiled details of his plan to create 200,000 new jobs in Iowa over the next five years. His plan calls for gradually reducing commercial property taxes and cutting corporate income-tax rates in half.

He also launched two new television ads, both built around the theme that he is tested and ready to respond to Iowa's needs. They'll start inoculating Branstad against his opponents' message that re-electing him will send Iowa backward to some dark age in history.

Branstad's gambit puts him in the driver's seat on an issue that has been one of his strengths in the past. Bob Vander Plaats and Rod Roberts will have to respond with ideas of their own. They'll one-up Branstad and offer more aggressive tax cuts. Otherwise, it will look like they're the ones who can't take their eyes off the rear-view mirror.

The former governor is not much of an orator and debate rules such as timed answers aren't kind to his usual speaking style. He may overcompensate by memorizing too many canned answers and end up looking stiff and remote. Still, his debate experience over many campaigns will make it tough to shake him off message.

Vander Plaats is on his home turf in this debate, but he has the rockiest ground to cover of the three candidates. He has to knock Branstad off his pedestal and make the debate about why Iowans don't want a rerun.

This is a job that makes bomb disposal look like a great career for someone with hypertension. If Vander Plaats goes too easy on Branstad, the most passionate of his conservative base will be disgusted. But if he's too aggressive, he'll risk looking angry and desperate. Vander Plaats is a stronger public speaker than Branstad, and his passion helps him on the stump. In a debate, though, he may look more like a televangelist than a governor. It's a gamble he'll have to take if he hopes to gain ground.

Vander Plaats also was working Monday to erase at least one of his potential negatives going into the debate. He made it clear in an interview that he will not run as an independent or third-party candidate in the general election if he fails to win the GOP nomination.

"I am a Republican," he said. "I have no interest, no desire and no motivation to run as a third-party candidate."

Roberts, as the least-known of the candidates, benefits just by being on stage with the other two. This is his golden chance to introduce himself to Iowans and make a case for why he's the GOP's best hope to beat Gov. Chet Culver, a Democrat.

Roberts has tried to position himself as the "nice" guy, the one who will keep his feet out of the mud. He'll let the other two bash each other's brains out and just stand back and look reasonable. That may handcuff him a bit as he works to distinguish himself in the debate. He can't afford to turn into wallpaper - cheerful, reliable and all but invisible.

Political columnist Kathie Obradovich can be reached at (515) 284-8126 or kobradov@dmreg.com. You can follow her on Twitter at twitter.com/kobradovich. For more Obradovich columns, blogs and tweets, visit www.dmregister.com/Obradovich.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Deaths in the Community ‎

Cathy Sharon - CAMPBELL — 27th February 2010, (peacefully) at The Causeway Hospital, Coleraine. Annie, 7, Willow Drive, Coleraine . Dearly loved wife of the late William and loving mother of Noel, Alwyn, Rita, Sandra, Harry, Donna-marie and the late Gilbert. A dear mother-in-law, and devoted Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Interred in Coleraine Cemetery.Donations if desired for N.I Chest, Heart and Stroke C/O Mrs Mona Murdock, 31 Bushmills Road, Coleraine.

Cathy Sharon Hot Lovingly remembered by her family and wider family circle. ELLIOTT — 27th February 2010. Thomas (Tom), 36, Ballywillan Road, Portrush. Dearly loved Husband of Margaret and loving father of Paul, Sharon and Colin. Dear father-In-Law of Collette, Derek and Louise, and devoted granda of Kirstie, Amy, Jemma, Megan, Jessica, John and great-granda of Corey. Iterred in Ballywillan Cemetery. Donations if desired for Macmillan Cancer Relief or N.I Cancer Research C/O Mrs Mona Murdock, 31 Bushmills Road, Coleraine. Lovingly remembered by his entire family circle.

ELLIOTT — 27th February 2010. Thomas (Tom), 36, Ballywillan Road, Portrush. Dearly loved son of Helen and the late Wallace. Deeply regretted by his loving mother, brother John and Sister-in-law Dorothy, brother Maurice and Sister-in-law Pat, brother Pat and sister-in-law Martha, brother Malcolm and sister-in-law Jean, nieces, nephews and entire family circle.
ELLIOTT — 27th February 2010. Thomas (Tom), 36, Ballywillan Road, Portrush. Deeply regretted by his brother-in-law Neill, sister-in-law Ann and family. We'll meet again.

GOLIGHER — 23rd February 2010 (peacefully) at Causeway Hospital Coleraine, Kay, 31 Hopefield Grove, Portrush, dearly loved wife of Alan, much loved mother of Tracy, Emma, Cathy and Ashley, dear sister of Lorna. Interred in Ballywillan Cemetery. Donations if desired to Macmillan Nurses c/o Mrs Mona Murdock, 31 Bushmills Road, Coleraine. Lovingly remembered by the entire family circle.
GRAY — 22nd February 2010, (peacefully) at Cromore Care Home, Portstewart, William John, dear son of the late Samuel and Anna Gray. Interred in Coleraine Cemetery. Deeply regretted by the family circle.
HANNA — 27th February 2010 suddenly at The Causeway Hospital. Coleraine, Joseph (Joe), 132, Moyan Rd., Knockahollett, dear brother of Andrew and the late Margaret and David, brother-in-law of Gretta and Margaret and a very dear uncle. Interred in the family burying ground at Ballyweaney Presbyterian Church. Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, to Ballyweaney Presbyterian Church Building Fund C/o D.J.M. Robinson & Son, 121, Culcrum Rd., Cloughmills. BT4 49DT. Lovingly remembered. "The Lord is my Shepherd."

MCFARLANE — 25th February 2010, peacefully at The Court Nursing Home, Ballymoney, Margaret (Gretta) dearly loved Wife of William, 67 Ballinlea Road, Ballycastle much loved Mother of Annie, Billy, Marie, Raymond and Shirley and a very dear Mother-in-law, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Interred in Ballintoy Parish Churchyard. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed.
McCLOY — 27th February 2010 suddenly at Causeway Hospital Coleraine, Hugh, dearly beloved husband of Isobel, 15 Ballinameen Avenue, Garvagh, Coleraine. Much loved father of Beverley, Lester and the late John, father-in-law of Paula and grandfather of Justin, Jonnie, Lauren, Hannah and Abi, dear brother of Jack and Maureen. Interred in Main Street Presbyterian Church cemetery. By request family flowers only please, donations in lieu to Garvagh Health Centre c/o AH Clyde Funeral Director, 38 Mettican Road, Garvagh, BT51 5HS.
'House Private' Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his sorrowing wife, family and family circle. 'The Lord is my Shepherd'

McGAHON — 22nd February 2010 (suddenly) at hospital, Edna Rose R.I.P., 15 St Columbs Park, Mayboy Road, Garvagh, dearly beloved wife of the late Francis, dear mother of Sharon, David, Lorraine, Peter, Paul and Mark and a devoted grandmother and great-grandmother. Interred in St. Marys Cemetery, Ballerin Donations if desired for MacMillan Cancer Support c/o Mrs Mona Murdock, 31 Bushmills Road, Coleraine. Deeply regretted by her loving family and entire family circle. Sacred Heart Of Jesus Have Mercy On Her Soul.
McMASTER — 23rd February 2010 (peacefully) at The Montague Private Nursing Home, Raymond, formerly of Lisnablagh Road, Coleraine, dearly loved father of Raymond Jnr, Gareth, Cynthia and Mellisa, a dear father-in-law and devoted grandfather. Interred in Derrykeighan Parish Churchyard. Donations if desired to Marie Curie Nurses, c/o Mrs Mona Murdock, 31 Bushmills Road, Coleraine. Lovingly remembered by the entire family circle.
Mc MASTER — 23rd February 2010 (peacefully) at The Montague Private Nursing Home, Raymond Joseph, eldest son of the late Margaret Murphy, Dervock and dear brother of Molly, William, Sadie and James. Gone from our lives, but never our hearts.
MORRISON — 26th February 2010, (peacefully) at Brookmount Nursing Home, Coleraine. Annie Elizabeth (Bessie) formerly of 151, Coleraine Road, Portstewart. Dearly loved wife of Robert and loving mother of Anna, Derick and Norman, a dear mother-in-law, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother. Interred in Ballyclabber Reformed Presbyterian Church Burying Ground. Donations in lieu if desired for Ballyclabber Reformed Presbyterian Church C/O Mrs Mona Murdock, 31 Bushmills Road, Coleraine. Deeply loved and sadly missed by her family and wider family circle. 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord'.
REYNOLDS — 27th February 2010 peacefully at her home 97a Fivey Road, Stranocum, Ballymoney. Myrtle, dearly loved Wife of the late Joe, much loved Mother of Tom and Joseph, Mother-in-law of Margaret and Suzanne. Very dear Grandmother of Simon, Jonathan and Marshall and dear Sister of Elsye (U.S.A) Interred in Kilraughts Old Burying Ground. Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired to Crest, Heart & Stroke C/o D.J.M Robinson & Son 121 Culcrum Road, Cloughmills, BT44 9DT. Lovingly remembered.
CROTHERS — The Son, Daughter and entire family circle of the late Sarah wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad loss. Special Thanks to all who called at the home, sent cards, gave donations, brought gifts, attended the funeral of helped in any way. We wish to thank Rev D Collins and Rev I Magowen for their comforting words and beautiful service. Thanks also to Doctor McMaster and the staff of Mountsandel Surgery and also to the Rapid Response Team and the Paramedics for everything they did. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation - 18 Cloverhill Park, Coleraine.
LYTTLE — The son, daughter and family circle of the late John M Lyttle wish to convey their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Our heartfelt appreciation to all the kind friends and neighbours who called at the home, brought gifts, sent cards and messages of sympathy, helped in the home, attended the funeral and gave donations. Thanks also to those who assisted with road gritting around the home and roads leading to the church. We acknowledge with gratitude the care provided by doctors and nursing staff of coronary care and intensive care as Causeway Hospital and also the dedicated care given by the doctors and nurses of Garvagh Health Centre. Our grateful thanks to Rev Dr Brian Kingsmore for his pastoral visits and for conducting the funeral services in the home and church, assisted by Rev Raymond Kelly and Rev Mervyn Burnside and also to Rev Dr Warren Porter a close friend and senior minister of Moneydig Presbyterian Church for paying such an eloquent tribute to his late friend. Thanks to the ladies of Moneydig Presbyterian Church P.W. for providing tea after the funeral and also the grave digger and organist for their help. We would like to record our special thanks to those kind friends and relatives who visited and telephoned our dear father over the years and assure them that he appreciated it very much. Finally our thanks to Howard Mullan for the sympathetic and dignified manner in which he conducted the funeral arrangements. Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Garvagh, Pomeroy
SCOTT — The wife, sons, brothers and wider family circle of the late Jack wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Heartfelt thanks to all the family, friends and neighbours who called at the home, sent cards, attended the funeral and gave donations. Thanks to the doctors and nurses at Belfast Cancer Centre and also the doctors and nurses at Causeway Hospital. Thanks to Rev Wilson and Rev Carson for the pastoral care and to the ladies of the church for serving tea. Thanks to Ivan Murdock and Sons for their professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation. Bushmills, Portrush and England.
WILTON — John (Jackie). Valerie, Kim, Michelle, Mollie and Eloise wish to express their sincere thanks to all their relatives, friends and neighbours for their love and support during their recent sad loss of Jackie. Many thanks also for all the messages of sympathy, cards and donations made to Macmillan Cancer Support. Special thanks to Errol, Joan and Kathryn Crawford for their support and help during this time. We would also like to express our sincere thanks to the staff of the Robinson Memorial Hospital in Ballymoney and to Terry and Claire, the Macmillan Cancer nurses for the excellent care they gave to John (Jackie) and for their support to us. You are all a credit to your profession. Thanks to Coleraine Health Centre for their care and assistance. Many thanks to Father Austin McGirr for his kind words and comforting service, also to Father O'Brian at Ballymoney. Thanks also to Ivan Murdock & Sons, Funeral Directors, especially Stephen for arranging the funeral services so efficiently and with compassion.
MCLAUGHLIN — Matilda (Tillie) 1st Anniversary. Cherished memories of a dear mum, Mother-in-law, Granny and Great Granny, passed away 27th February 2009. A Mothers loves a blessing love her while you can, for I lost my Mum a year ago,the headache I cant stand while you dear Mother rest and sleep, your loving memory we'll always keep. Sadly missed by Daughter Heather, Mark, Conor, Nakita, Jamie, Keirsha and Kolten.
MCLAUGHLIN — Matilda (Tille) 1st Anniversary. of a dear Granny who passed away on the 27th February 2009. A daily thought, a silent tear, A constant wish that you were here. An empty space that no one can fill. We miss you Granny and always will. Sadly missed by Grandson Jordan. Rhona, John and Ivana- Perth, Australia.
McLAUGHLIN — Tillie. 1st Anniversary.
Dear mum just a wee note to say your smile I'll never forget
your laughter I long to hear
my heart will never forget you
I know you're always near.
Loving memories.
Daughter Kate, son-in-law Stuart, grandchildren Toni, April and Cory
Until we meet again.
McLAUGHLIN — Tillie. In loving memory of my sister Tillie.
If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane
I could walk right up to heaven and bring you home again
Will always be remembered by twin sister Sarah
70 Upper Newmills Road, Coleraine
NEILL — Precious memories of a Dear Mother and Grandmother Margaret who God called home on 3rd March 1971.
In a beautiful place called heaven
We know you are at rest
Where there is not pain or sorrow
Just peace and happiness
Always remembered and sadly missed by the family circle at Lisconnan, Ballymoney, Coleraine and Portrush
WATTON — In loving memory of my dear brother David.
We sat beside your bedside
Our hearts were crushed and sore
A fighter until the very end
When God said fight no more
Always remembered by sister Sarah, brother Eddie.
70 Upper Newmills Road
Coleraine and Canada

Jumat, 02 April 2010


Contoh Pidato - Ketua Umum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri dijadwalkan menyampaikan pidato politik selama 42 menit dalam pembukaan kongres partai yang bakal berlangsung di Denpasar, Bali, awal April 2010. "Sedikit bocoran, pidato itu berbicara mengenai cara Megawati memahami serta konsistensinya, karena itulah kekuatan PDIP dan Megawati," kata Sekjen PDIP Pramono Anung usai Pertemuan DPD se-Indonesia di Jakarta, Rabu (31/3).

Naskah Pidato - Pramono juga memberikan bocoran mengenai struktur organisasi DPP PDIP yang kemungkinan besar mengalami perubahan dan ini dibahas dalam kongres nanti. DPP mengusulkan adanya penambahan struktur dari yang ada saat ini sebanyak 27 struktur menjadi 33 struktur.

Contoh Teks Pidato - Sikap politik PDIP akan termaktub dalam pidato Ketua Umum Megawati Soekarnoputri pada saat pembukaan Kongres III di Bali 6 April mendatang. Pidato tersebut berdurasi 42 menit.

"Sikap politik akan terbaca di dalam pidato ketua umum pada saat pembukan sepanjang 42 menit. Semua itu akan dielaborasi dalam sikap olitik yang dirumuskan oleh Komisi Sikap Politik," ujar Sekertaris Jenderal PDIP Pramono Anung di rumah Megawati, Jl Teuku Umar, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (31/3/2010).

Pramono sedikit memberikan bocoran isi pidato Megawati tersebut. Pidato tersebut, kata dia, harus dipahami sebagai sebuah pernyataan tentang konsistensi.

"Memahami Megawati itu memahami kekonsistenan, itulah yang menjadi kekuatan PDIP dan Ibu Mega," katanya.

Mengenai isi pembicaraan dengan para DPD se-Indonesia, Pramono mengatakan, pembicaran tersebut hanya seputar hal-hal yang menyangkut dengan pembukaan materi dan keseluruhan teknis Kongres.

"Kongres PDIP itu beda dengan partai lain, karena berasal dari bawah. Sebenarnya sudah pasti ketahuan siapa yang menjadi ketua umum. Dari 490 cabang di 33 provinisi, hanya empat cabang yang mendukung Mas Guruh (Guruh Soekarnoputra-red). Seluruhnya mendukung Megawati," jelasnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Pusat Taufiq Kiemas yang juga hadir dalam pertemuan menyampaikan kepada seluruh pengurus untuk selalu mensosialisasikan ideologi Pancasila ke seluruh jajarannya.